Ruang Sederhana Berbagi

Senin, Mei 03, 2010

Jalur Sepeda di Bandung

Jalur Sepeda di Bandung itu unik
Keberadaan jalur sepeda bagi pesepeda sangat membantu. Jalur sepeda memungkinkan para pesepeda merasa aman selama mengayuh sepedanya. Kekhawatiran terserempet atau parahnya tertabrak oleh mobil atau motor tidak akan ada. Jalur sepeda secara tidak langsung mengkampanyekan gaya hidup baru, bersepeda.

Bike Line di Bandung (dok.pribadi)
Jogjakarta adalah contoh kota yang sukses membangun jalur sepeda. Memang bukan hal yang aneh karena secara kultur, bersepeda disana seperti sudah menjadi tradisi sejak dahulu. Sepeda seolah tidak bisa dihilangkan dalam kebudayaan masyarakat Jawa. Lihat saja dalam beberapa catatan atau foto tentang sepeda, iring-iringan sepeda disana lebih banyak dibanding di Kota Bandung misalnya, atau Kota-kota lain di Indonesia. Mayoritas penduduk disana tidak asing dengan sepeda, bahkan sebelum ada kampanye bersepedapun sudah banyak yang menggunakan sepeda ke kantor, balaikota, dan juga ke sekolah.

Kita tengok sejenak keluar negeri, salahsatu kota yang sudah ada jalur sepeda sebagai implementasi program langit biru bersamaan dengan kebijakan transportasi massal adalah Bogota. Bogota berhasil dalam membuat jalur pedestrian, jalur sepeda, taman kota, ruang publik dan moda transportasi massal. Bahkan Jakartapun belajar dari Bogota dalam proyek Busway-nya walaupun tidak seberhasil Bogota karena tidak diikuti oleh program lainnya yang saling mendukung.

Bandung mau ikut Bogota, tunggu dulu. Bisa terlaksana jika kebijakan lainnya juga dilaksanakan dengan baik. Misalnya Jalur Sepeda, ternyata di Kota Bandung, jalur sepeda hanya 3-5 meter setelah itu hanya trotoar biasa. Yang lebih miris lagi, trotoar yang selalu terjadi rebutan ruang dengan pihak lain. Kalau sudah begini, pertanyaannya, bagaimana mungkin bersepeda di jalur sepeda seperti itu? Inginnya nyaman yang ada malah memancing keributan dengan pihak lain.

Oh iya, gambar Sepeda di Lantai ini hanya ada di Jalan Dago, hanya beberapa meter saja. Dulu saya berpikir sepanjang jalan Dago dari Ujung utara di Simpang Dago Sampai Balaikota Bandung di Jalan Merdeka, ternyata cuma sedikit saja.

Jalur Sepeda Tapi Tidak Ada Sepeda Yang Berani Lewat (dok.pribadi)
Jalur Sepeda Tapi Tidak Ada Sepeda Yang Berani Lewat (dok.pribadi)
Mari Pulihkan Bandung (dok.pribadi)
Mari Pulihkan Bandung (dok.pribadi)

Kamis, April 15, 2010

Ide yang Sama

Pernah melihat tulisan serupa tapi tak sama? Saya sering, bahkan beberapa ide ceritanya mirip, hanya saja ada beberapa bagian yang berbeda. Misalnya penyajiannya, penuturannya dan tentu saja penulisnya. Pada mulanya saya merasa sudah dicuri ide, tetapi setelah ditelusuri ternyata berbeda. Sayapun anggap sebagai bagian utuh cerita yang saling melengkapi.

Ilustrasi diunduh dari 
Misalnya tentang facebook, lebih dari sepuluh penulis yang menulis tentang facebook. Banyak dinamika facebook yang menjadi sorotan penulis kompasiana, dari mulai statusnya, isinya dan efeknya. Efek.. Ah lagi-lagi saya menulis efek facebook yang fantastis.

Bagi saya, keadaan ini menunjukan bagaimana besarnya dan mahalnya ide. Seorang yang memiliki energi ide yang besar adalah potensi bagi dirinya, orang lain dan lingkungannya. Beruntunglah mereka yang masih selalu berputar-putar idenya bahkan ketika melakukan apapun selalu terpikir ide menulis dan celakalah mereka yang kehabisan ide. Habis ide berarti kematian bagi penulis. Penulis yang notabene harus selalu punya ide untuk menjadi bahan tulisannya, jika tiba-tiba saja kehilangan ide maka sudah pasti dia mati karya. Saya berpikir lalu menulis maka saya ada. Keberadaan dilihat dari karya tulisnya.

Si Harimau Itu Telah Kembali

Si Harimau itu telah Kembali lagi dan bersiaplah diterkam
Tiger Wood is back, ya si harimau itulah yang kembali lagi meramaikan ajang kompetisi bergengsi Golf. Saya sangat mengagumi dia diluar kontroversi perselingkuhannya dengan beberapa wanita yang membuat heboh berita di dalam dan luar negeri. Bagaimanapun, saya mengidolakan dia karena kualitas pribadi dan skill bermainnya yang baik.

Tiger Woods (
Saya belum menonton secara penuh misalnya ketika permainan dimulai dari hall 1 sampai hall 18. Kadang cuma beberapa Hall saja, itupun karena Televisi dikooptasi bos besar. Selain sepakbola, ya Golf itulah yang bisa dinikmati bersama. Disela menonton itu saya mengetahui dari perbincangan tentang Tiger Wood. Bagaimana dia bersaing dengan Ernie Els, memukul, Birdie dan lain-lain. Pukulan Tiger Wood selalu tepat, jarang melihat pukulan dia OB, selalu jatuh di Green.

Salahsatu hal yang unik dari permainan dia adalah selalu bermain jelek diawal tetapi seiring waktu terus menanjak dan puncak terbaiknya diakhir permainan dia menampilkan permainan terbaik hingga akhirnya memenangkan permainan. Saya tidak tahu apakah ini strategi dia untuk mengalahkan dan menjatuhkan mental yang lain atau memang kenyataannya demikian, telat panas kayak mesin diesel. Makanya melihat dia bermain, lihat diakhir saja.

Bermain konsisten dalam Golf sangat sulit, pukulan itu ternyata dinamis, bahkan sekelas Tiger Wood saja masih terus menerus melatih pukulan. Praktisnya dia memukul 1000 bola setiap hari, dan itu dilakukan berulang-ulang. Tiger Wood bisa seperti itu karena ketekunan dan konsisten dalam berlatih.
Kompetisi Golf sempat kehilangan greget ketika Tiger Wood menghilang karena isu perselingkuhan dan masalah keluarganya. Tetapi kini si Harimau itu siap mengaum, membuat banyak sejarah dan catatan kembali di dunia Golf.

Oh iya, saya suka sampul majalah ini :)
Tiger Woods and Obama - Golf Digest
Tiger Woods and Obama - Golf Digest

Rabu, Maret 31, 2010

Football Supporters in Kompasiana

Little by little emerged surface, that the fans write and read it was also a football lover. Moreover, many kompasianer who is also a supporter of football teams in their respective regions. That of West Java, for example-do discuss his support for Persib Bandung. From North Sumatra, blatant love die Sriwijaya FC, from supporting Persis Solo Solo Solo Arseto slipped even legendary. Then from Malang not miss a single soul Aremania greetings, from Medan to support PSMS Medan, Surabaya support from Persebaya, from PSM Makassar Makassar support and of course from Jakarta to support Persija.
In recent postings, especially after the teaser said "selocalsoccer", I saw like a mushroom growing in the rainy season. Many of the names of fans lined the ball ideas, write reports, record reportage about football trinkets. From critics, supporting up to put a complete entertainment is also available in the football record this Kompasianer.
This is if the supporters of the ball asiknya writing, there is always another side that can be written in the dynamics of football. But the key for me and it should be noted is that the average kompasianer writer in supporting his favorite team looks adult. There are no words to convey hostility or news writing. All delivered with unique styles, elegant and mature. I was lucky to meet the forum to write this, this is where the beauty of football supporters adults gather, convey ideas, express frustration, complaints and criticisms of his favorite team without being an anarchist or childish.
Imagine supporting Indonesian football like this, I'm sure the stadium is no longer a scary place. The stadium will be like a public space that can unite all elements of society without overwhelmed by fear, unrest will be riots after the match ended. Could be, this will become the benchmark in supporting, as an increasing number of campaigns for the support of adult-style football in a way kompasianer, maybe more that will mature in support.
Who love to die, please just continue his love of football. Who like to hang out and yells of encouragement to sing, just do it with attractive and interesting. Origin .... Please do not anarchist. Because anarchists will hurt yourself and the image of our beloved team. Let us support football supporters that the peace movement, grow up, and uphold sportsmanship. Fair play please!

Senin, Maret 29, 2010

Dirty is Not a Problem

One of the fun that will not be replaced in football is a dirty, muddy dirt in the field. The rainy season is happening in our city, not discourage the kids play ball. Note this is the portrait of a hungry child will not care about football, dirty, muddy, slippery, which is important football.

In a corner of elite housing in Batununggal Bandung, there is a field of luxury homes. In front of the housing and retail complex there are actually Batununggal usual large field to play ball rental. Noted there is some football clubs are often trained there, including soccer schools. Just say Persebat (persatuan sepakbola Batununggal), the union Batununggal football field is often used in the housing complex. Every evening after work, I see the ball players from children to adults mingle at the ball field is divided in several field. Approximately there are 4 big field there. But unique was again a small ball field used by children around the housing.

Field is no more than 100 meters normal size, probably about 60-80 meters long. Net made of bamboo in pairs in such a way to goal. Field does not have the sideline, the penalty box and goal nets. Just enough that there are two important goal and one point for the beginning of the kick in the middle of. They played bare-chested, shirt off and sometimes undressed. They're playing so cool, dribble, over, kicking, heading and catching the ball by the goalkeeper. The atmosphere is very cool, every player played well without any hostility, although sometimes a little friction there, too.

This is the game of soccer kids very beautiful, fair play well in the stands. Field of dirty, slippery and muddy is not a problem. The important thing is to play football. Football to them is a very fun game. In the mud, in the field who do not deserve anything they could still play well. Their dreams, of course, be a player for a player his idol, like the Christian Gonzales at Persib Bandung. Being a goalie, too, they idolize who also Sinthawetcai Hathairatanakool Persib
Bandung goalkeeper .

Dirty is not a problem, because for them dirty is fun. Want to feel the sensation of soccer kids? let's dirty and feel the sensation. Dirty is not a problem, because football fun. Rain, dirty, slippery, muddy, once again no problem. Football is fun.

“This blog post is submitted as part of Sony Ericsson’s Extra Time campaign. You can read the other local football stories here. :)”


Jumat, Maret 26, 2010

No Large Field, Lets Futsal!

Football is experiencing increased arousal. Indonesia League or the aura of World Cup was every young joints today. In the village, the town where it was rising passion. City, space is limited, soccer passion increases, the Futsal answer. In a room divided into two fields each measuring long 25-42 mx 15-25 m wide, the energy spilled. Kicking, heading, slading, over, takling, and insert the ball into the opponent’s goal. Energy soccer is cool.
Outdoor Futsal at Bandung (photo: Iden Wildensyah)
Business, ah once again sport can not be separated from this one word. Futsal is the media’s most lucrative businesses. In the city of Bandung as calculated more than a dozen places futsal from simple to fancy there. Simple means of facilities available only one common ground with the floor, while the more luxurious or simple as wearing a large room, synthetic grass and adequate lighting. Feel the difference when playing on the ground floor of concrete used to playing on synthetic grass. This facility value proportional to the price of rent every hour.
Because of this business, futsal several locations in Bandung Antapani Street, lined up side by side almost even with each other. Not to mention that plus into the small alleys around the housing. This unique condition shows that stretching futsal field rental business is growing very rapidly.
There are unwritten rules if it wants to build futsal facilities, there is no room for soccer fields. If the football fields are still a lot or land area is still scattered everywhere, tenants will be slightly futsal field. That is why futsal rapidly developing cities of the opening of land postscript is up by housing or buildings.
So if there is no large field, lets go futsal. It may be not because there is no big field but gather 2 teams (22 people) to compete in the big football field more difficult than collecting 2 team (10 people) to compete in the futsal field. If for me, futsal is not so cape, if out of breath can turn hehe.
This is a brisk futsal football big city.
Indoor Futsal (photo by Iden Wildensyah)
Indoor Futsal (photo by Iden Wildensyah) (photo by Iden Wildensyah) (photo by Iden Wildensyah)
Run.. Goooolll (photo by Iden Wildensyah)
Run.. Goooolll (photo by Iden Wildensyah)
Outdoor Futsall (photo by Iden Wildensyah)
Outdoor Futsall (photo by Iden Wildensyah)
The Dinamic of Futsal (photo by Iden Wildensyah)
The Dinamic of Futsal (photo by Iden Wildensyah)
Futsal is cool, no big field, let’s futsal!
“This blog post is submitted as part of Sony Ericsson’s Extra Time campaign. You can read the other local football stosrie here. :)”
Next to the click

Rabu, Maret 24, 2010

The Term Of Sundanese’s Football

Football is ingrained in sundanese, not only sundanese but also society in general. The presence of football along with the Dutch presence in Indonesia. History speaks through their parents before that age-old leather ball and a lot of plastic balls, orange balls of Bali is an attractive option. At my age a little in the 1980s, plastic ball is the main choice for a branded leather ball is very hard to find and expensive for the size of the village children. Uniquely, as a child we called leather-wrapped ball with the name because there balbaliter, ‘Liter’ writing on the surface of the ball.
Football and Kid (illustartion from
There are several terms in football until now I still remember. Call it Barung, Barung circumstances where the ball was swept again by the leg opposite leg. Sometimes the ball was not hit but the leg with the foot again. Sometimes a strong measure of whether or not the player is determined by the strong one or at least barung, if after barung then collapsed while others were still able to run so-called defeat lying. Strangely though sprawling and blue bruised foot jet, players are not emotions, at best the same barung again another friend.
There is another term Temprang, temprang is taking another man’s feet while carrying the ball. If the new term I now know that the same temprang tackle slading. Similarly, the difference is only an opponent’s position, if barung face to face, if you can ditemprang side or from behind. If ditemprang from behind the regulations is now a yellow card and if the injury could make the red card. Ditemprang, sometimes making emotional player, but mostly fair. If ditemprang, yes just temprang again. That’s our kampong nice football as a child, no excessive emotions, was not a riot, unless seven football tournament which presents Domba Cup, sometimes violent games can cause fight too.
Other barung and temprang, there is one more term of Jambul. Jambul in our definition of a small time is a decision that was taken when both teams are equally doubtful. Jambul can be done with ‘suten‘ (I do not know this term in the Indonesian or english language, if depicted more or less like these two people hold hands and count out three clashing finger, thumb to pinkie elephant to lose by ants, elephants win if against the index finger to humans, humans win if against ants). The winning ‘suten‘ will take the ball. The condition usually occurs as tufts in determining whether or not goals. Understandably his goal was not wearing a metal or bamboo but just piles of stones. If you hit a rock then we will be confused whether or not that goal. To be fair, it was held jambul. Later I knew that the plume is a Jump Ball, but for us not a ball that bounced or thrown up, crested is the action to remain fair, if in doubt over a decision.
''This blog post is submitted as part of Sony Ericsson’s Extra Time campaign. You can read the other local football stosrie here. :)”
Next to the click

Selasa, Maret 23, 2010

Listening To The Radio Football Game

Persib Bandung again made me write the other side of the football. This time watching the match live via Radio. At that time in a small town south of Garut, the presence of television is still scarce, and the radio is the most favorite means of communication for rural communities. There are tales Wa kepoh, Mang Jaya and Tinular tutur radio plays, etc. Ancestors Land Chronicle. Besides the show, there is an event that was never passed by the listeners in our city, Football. Yes .. Football, especially when Persib Bandung played. If Persib Bandung play, the village would look deserted because all the boys huddle, listen to the live broadcast.

Illustration/Admin (
Presented by the enthusiasm and always yelling dagdigdug make this heart. Full of tension, full of joy and full-dramatization dramatization that establish a live show is so colorful. Her name is Sandra and Mr Sambas, I never know how her figure, which I knew only his voice that always excited when a player dribbles Persib Bandung toward defense opponents. Especially if it comes to goals, then the audience jumping in unison, dancing and shouting goooool.
Direct broadcast over the radio proved to be its own motivation for football players like Adeng Hudaya, Adjat Sudrajat, Nyangnyang, Jajang Nurjaman and Uut. Uut for example, the famous Persib players passing the ball 'boseh' her, in one occasion has stated that the live broadcast on the radio makes him always want to get the ball, if you get the ball means announcer will call his name, when mentioned by name, then the people in our village will know its existence. And this being a proud people in our village all.
To this day, I still listen to the live broadcast football games on the radio RRI Bandung, especially if it was the Road and not get home when the game was going on. I always thought a football game dramatically if heard on the radio. My friend said, listening to the radio was full of surprises, the ball is still in the middle of the field was already near the goal. Players still dribbling into the opponents defense, uuh it was past eleven opposing players only. Indeed excessive, but it is very interesting. If you watch any more interesting in stadium carrying a small radio, looking directly, we can find the game rhythm and emotion through a radio announcer.

“This blog post is submitted as part of Sony Ericsson’s Extra Time campaign. You can read the other local football stories here. :)”
Next to the click
Next can be clicked on

Senin, Maret 22, 2010

Pohon Kalah Oleh Reklame

Salahsatu berita yang menarik di Koran Jawa Barat saat ini, bagi saya adalah berita tentang pemangkasan 51 pohon di Jalan Soekarno-Hatta Bandung oleh salahsatu perusahaan periklanan. Alasannya pasti karena pohon tersebut menghalangi papan reklame. Karena nilai jual papan reklame adalah visualisasi pengendara, berarti halangan yang menyebabkan pandangan ke papan reklame tidak maksimal, ya pangkas saja.
Pada Jumat, 12 Maret 2010 yang lalu, teman-teman dari Front Pembela Bandung (FPB) berunjukrasa atas pemangkasan pohon ini, mereka menyayangkan pihak Pemkot atas ijin serta keteledoran dalam menjaga lingkungan. Berita selengkapnya ada di sini.
Foto dari Walhi Jabar
Pemangkasan ini menunjukan bahwa kesadaran masyarakat dalam menjaga lingkungannya sangat rendah. Termasuk didalamnya adalah membuang sampah sembarang. Kedisiplinan masyarakat kota tidak begitu baik, terutama dalam menjaga lingkungan. Lihatlah bagaimana sampah berserakan dimana-mana setelah acara-acara seremonial. Saluran tersumbat karena sampah. Kalau disiplin dalam menjaga lingkungan, membuang sampah dll maka sampah-sampah tersebut tidak akan berserakan, tidak akan menyumbat gorong-gorong saluran drainase.
Balik lagi ke pohon, pohon di hutan gundul karena ditebang, pohon di kota juga tidak kalah 'gundulnya'. Pohon yang sudah ada dipangkas, yang belum tumbuh apalagi. Yang ironisnya pohon-pohon yang ditebang hanya karena menghalangi papan reklame, jika tidak ada yang mengangkat ke media, bisa jadi reklame-reklame lainnya juga akan demikian. Reklame kata teman saya adalah sampah visualisasi, penyebab polusi pandangan mata, menyebabkan kota menjadi berantakan dan tidak teratur. Penebangan atau pemangkasan yang tertangkap media kali ini bisa jadi hanya bagian kecil saja, ada yang lebih besar, ada yang dipangkasnya lebih banyak, bahkan mungkin bukan saja dipangkas tetapi ditebang. Dan ini luput dari media, kalau luput dari media, jangan berharap pemerintah berinisiatif mencari pelanggar yang memangkas pohon untuk reklame.


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