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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Education. Tampilkan semua postingan

Senin, November 11, 2019

Become a Inspiring Teacher As Teacher in School Of Rock

There are many stories of being inspirational teachers that can be taken from Holywood films. Call it a teacher style Master Shifu, creative teachers the style of the Dead Poets Society, and many more cool teacher figures who fight for their students and also fight for school.

One of the teachers who really inspired me was Dewey Finn in the film School of Rock. Dewey Finn, played by Black Jack is a guitarist who became unemployed after being expelled from his rock band. Urgent about the necessities of life, Dewey finally accepted the offer to be an elementary school teacher at the prestigious school Horace Green. The position he got after claiming to be Ned Schneebly.

At first Dewey felt confused, with what he had to teach and how to teach in the class, with very formal classroom traditions and with innocent critical questions from his students, Dewey tried to teach in a way that he pleased, and occasionally confused with his students.

School Of Rock

Dewey then got the idea to form a rock band with his students. He made a rock band project as a school assignment to attend the rock festival "battle of the bands". Dewey carries out his action plan, by arranging positions according to the interests and talents of the child. It turned out that the plan was not as easy as he had imagined.

Dewey must seduce his students to follow his desires. Dewey also had to think about some of his students who didn't have musical talent, so they could get a place in the project.

Dewey finally succeeded in forming cooperation among his students, according to their respective roles. Interaction takes place in a dynamic and democratic atmosphere. There is no distance between students and teachers.

In the project, Dewey also has an opening to teach history. He taught the history of rock music as well as figures and band groups that had existed such as Led Zeppelin, Jimmi Hendrix, and Black Sabath. This project is named the School of Rock from its students.

Dewey is an example of an inspirational teacher who does not lose his passion in playing music and makes a gap in creating activities with his students in the classroom. Ignore lesson plans, evaluations, and other administrative activities that can preoccupy the teacher to the point where he forgets his main task as educating children in classrooms that are with him. Teachers must be creative, teachers must be inspiring because creative teachers and inspiring teachers will always be remembered as an exciting learning experience.


The Answer Of Why Alternative Education?

"Education is not just a matter of multiplying the contents of brain memory or finding out something that was not known before. But more than that is an effort to connect all that is already known with things that are still a mystery" (Anatole France, 1817-1895 Nobel laureate, France )

These days my blog post is talking about alternative education that is carried by alternative schools in the city of Bandung. I place great respect and appreciation for every alternative school that has developed a humanized learning approach.

The term alternative education is a generic term for various educational programs carried out in a different way from the traditional way. In general alternative education has in common, namely: the approach is individualized, gives great attention to students, parents / family, and educators and is developed based on interests and experience.

This idea of ​​alternative education stems from Father Mangun's criticisms of the form of education which, from the enactment of the 1974 curriculum, developed until the 1994 curriculum.

Alternative education is not interpreted as a substitute for formal schooling, but rather seeking new dedication materials and methods until the new curriculum. According to Nunuk Murniati, education should be contextual, it must be adapted to the environment. Education for the marginal too. Where the concept of link and macth that was heralded by the New Order government in education only produced capitalist screws that were made only to suit the needs of labor in industrial machinery.

According to Jery Mintz (1994: xi) Alternative education can be categorized in four forms of organization, namely:

  1. Public choice schools;
  2. Public schools / educational institutions for problem students (student at risk);
  3. Private / independent school / educational institution and
  4. Home education (homeschooling).

The oldest alternative form of education managed by the community for the community is pesantren. Estimated to begin in the 15th century, it was first developed by Raden Rahmad alias Sunan Ampel. Then came the pesantren Giri by Sunan Giri, pesantren Demak by Raden Fatah and Pesantren Tuban by Sunan Bonang.

In addition to the pesantren, Taman Siswa was established in 1922. Besides Taman Siswa, Mohammad Syafei opened a school in Kayutaman. School with the motto, "Look for yourself and do it yourself". Students are given the skills to make their own tables and chairs for their learning. But the Netherlands has burned down the school.

Arunika Waldorf School (

Spirit Of The Alternative

Despite the great distance since Taman Siswa and Kayutaman School, alternative schools are increasingly thriving in big cities in Indonesia. The thing that we should be proud of is that the community has many choices for getting better learning opportunities for their children. Well, the spirit of providing a more humane educational approach is what I think. Alternative education can be an interesting part of building Indonesia's human resources in a better future.

Alternative schools are proven to be able to provide another dimension in the world of Indonesian education. Alternative schools dare to come out of the standard of learning that just like that. Passive children and teachers lecture all day long. Although this spirit has also been present in the planning of education in the curriculum, but the reality is far from the fire.

Conventional schools still have difficulty implementing interesting things in conveying their learning. The allocation of training funds has been spent a lot but instead of improving the existing education system it is only a waste of budget. The teacher in the class will again take the safest way, search the internet, copy paste and then spread it in class. Even worse, selling LKS then told the children to do it themselves and the teacher just to rest his legs casually while exhaling the cigarette smoke he was smoking. A bad portrait of education that has been very acute.

While in alternative schools, teachers are struggling to find interesting forms in delivering learning that is interesting and easily understood by children through a variety of varied activities. The teacher processes all materials based on competency standards and core competencies to be delivered to their students.

Now the spirit of creative thinking in alternative education is what I want to share with all. Creative education, fun education, creative education is a spirit that must emerge in every educator himself throughout Indonesia. Hopefully more and more alternative schools will be able to make a positive contribution in building a free, independent, creative and empowered Indonesian human being!

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