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Senin, November 11, 2019

Become a Inspiring Teacher As Teacher in School Of Rock

There are many stories of being inspirational teachers that can be taken from Holywood films. Call it a teacher style Master Shifu, creative teachers the style of the Dead Poets Society, and many more cool teacher figures who fight for their students and also fight for school.

One of the teachers who really inspired me was Dewey Finn in the film School of Rock. Dewey Finn, played by Black Jack is a guitarist who became unemployed after being expelled from his rock band. Urgent about the necessities of life, Dewey finally accepted the offer to be an elementary school teacher at the prestigious school Horace Green. The position he got after claiming to be Ned Schneebly.

At first Dewey felt confused, with what he had to teach and how to teach in the class, with very formal classroom traditions and with innocent critical questions from his students, Dewey tried to teach in a way that he pleased, and occasionally confused with his students.

School Of Rock

Dewey then got the idea to form a rock band with his students. He made a rock band project as a school assignment to attend the rock festival "battle of the bands". Dewey carries out his action plan, by arranging positions according to the interests and talents of the child. It turned out that the plan was not as easy as he had imagined.

Dewey must seduce his students to follow his desires. Dewey also had to think about some of his students who didn't have musical talent, so they could get a place in the project.

Dewey finally succeeded in forming cooperation among his students, according to their respective roles. Interaction takes place in a dynamic and democratic atmosphere. There is no distance between students and teachers.

In the project, Dewey also has an opening to teach history. He taught the history of rock music as well as figures and band groups that had existed such as Led Zeppelin, Jimmi Hendrix, and Black Sabath. This project is named the School of Rock from its students.

Dewey is an example of an inspirational teacher who does not lose his passion in playing music and makes a gap in creating activities with his students in the classroom. Ignore lesson plans, evaluations, and other administrative activities that can preoccupy the teacher to the point where he forgets his main task as educating children in classrooms that are with him. Teachers must be creative, teachers must be inspiring because creative teachers and inspiring teachers will always be remembered as an exciting learning experience.


Rabu, Maret 04, 2015

Warna Baju Guru

Percaya atau tidak,warna membawa psikologi tersendiri buat yang melihat atau yang memakainya. Ini adalah penjelasan psikologi warna yang saya dapatkan dari berbagai sumber. Beberapa waktu yang lalu ramai dibicarakan tentang warna baju yang tepat, hitam, biru, putih, atau warna emas. Nah beberapa arti warna di bawah ini bisa menjadi rujukan tentang warna baju yang bisa digunakan guru untuk mengajar di kelas.
Teacher's Diary
Arti Warna Pink
Pink adalah warna yang melambangkan cinta, romantisme dan eksentrik.
Warna pink sering dipersepsi warna wanita atau feminim.
Arti Warna Merah
Merah adalah warna api, mentari pagi, dan warna darah. Memberi kesan kehangatan, bahagia, keberanian, semangat, kekuatan, kegairahan, tanda peringatan (berhenti untuk traffic light)
Arti Warna Orange (Kombinasi merah dengan kuning)
Orange melambangkan keceriaan, kehangatan, persahabatan, optimisme.
Warna ini memiliki daya tarik yang kuat, karena mampu merangsang pandangan mata
Arti Warna Biru
Biru adalah warna langit dan laut.
Memberi kesan luas pada ruangan, kesejukan, dingin damai, dan menenangkan fikiran.
Arti Warna Kuning
Kuning memberi kesan kegembiraan, terang, cerah, bersinar, ketegasan. Menstimulus pandangan mata seperti warna jingga.
Arti Warna Hijau
warna baju abu-abu
Hijau merupakan representasi warna alam, dedaunan, kesegaran, relaksasi, harmoni, alami, sejuk, bersifat menenangkan.
Arti Warna Ungu (Perpaduan warna merah dan biru)
Ungu adalah warna bangsawan, aristokrat, kekuasaan, keagungan, keindahan dan kelembutan
Arti Warna Abu-abu
Kesan yang ditimbulkan warna ini adalah ketenangan, keteduhan, elegan.
Warna abu-abu mudah dikombinasikan dengan berbagai macam warna lain, karena tidak bersifat kontras.
Arti Warna Hitam
Hitam mengandung kesan misteri, kegelapan, independen, dramatis, juga berkesan sunyi.
Hitam adalah warna tegas, solid, dan kuat.
Arti Warna Coklat
Warna coklat menumbuhkan kesan tua, sederhana, kaya, dan hangat.
Arti Warna Krem
Warna krem merepresentasikan kelembutan dan klasik.
Arti Warna Silver
Warna ini menciptakan kesan glamour, mahal, dan kemilau sesuai dengan karakter silver atau perak.
Arti Warna Emas
Warna emas memberi kesan kemakmuran, aktif, dan dinamis. 

Nah itulah penjelasan warna-warna, buat guru, sangat penting memperhatikan warna bajunya karena akan berpengaruh pada psikologi anak didiknya di kelas.


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